Friday, May 3, 2013

MLB Issues Fines Left and Right

The Tampa Bays Rays pitcher David Price and umpire Tom Hallion's situation has escalated to a whole new level. With fines given left and right.
Price, Jeremy Hellickson, and Matt Moore all pitchers on the Rays have been fined a whopping $1,000 for their involvement in the incident. Hallion also got a fine, but the value has not been released to the media.

The dispute started when Price accused Hallion of swearing at him in the seventh inning after the left-hander seemed angry on the mound in reaction to a pitch he thought the umpire had missed. Price claims that Hallion shouted "throw the [expletive] ball over the plate."

Hallion denied these accusations and completely called the Cy Young Award Winning pitcher a "liar." This slipped from his mouth during a pool interview about the interruption in the Rays game.  

Joe Torre the current MLB Vice President issued the fines to the out of control people with the assistance of Peter Woodfork, overseer of umpires, and Joe Garagiola the Head of Player Discipline. The fines that were given to the players were reportedly from their outrageous twitter comments. Hallion was fined for his involvement and his language during the press conferences.

By David B. 

1 comment:

  1. It's easy to see that twitter can escalate issues and, once, it's out on twitter, it's there for everyone to see, but really the biggest issue I have with this whole mess is the umpire! Why do umpires think they have to be part of the story....the best umpires are those that don't want their names out there, they just do their job and don't get involved with yelling back and forth at players. I hope this umpire gets a suspension as well as the fine!
