There attention was first directed at Halladay when he had been taken from last weeks game against Detroit after 2 2/3 innings. He gave up 7 runs in that small amount of time and Charlie Manuel made the call to the bullpen. There was another factor that lead them to believe Roy had a problem, he was not throwing his usual 93 miles per hour fast ball. He was only throwing in the range of 86-83 mph. This shouldn't be a problem for Halladay though.
How well do you believe the Phillies will do this year, first, second, third, fourth, or fifth place? I believe they will come in with a standing of second place, behind only the Nationals. Post your opinion in the comments below!
By David B.
I hope he gets better before the regular season.
ReplyDeleteIt really was a virus that Roy had this past weekend..he dropped 10 pounds from being so sick to his stomach......Jonathon Pap also had the same virus...really hopping the Phillies get all these issues out of their system before the season satrts....I've already got my season tickets for 2013 and I'm confident we'll make the post season!!!! I do agree that we'll probably come in behind the Nats, but who knows, maybe they'll suffer some of the key injuries we did last year......as they saying goes.....it's why we play the games! Go Phillies!!