Tony Gonzalez is not in just my mind the best tight end ever, but in almost everybody's. He has the three most important records for a tight end and he has decided to stay for one more year with the Falcons. They have offered him a one year deal which he accepted.

Some people think he is too old for the game at 37-years-old and 16 years of NFL experience. I think he still has it in him to play with the best of them.
He did have 930 yards and 8 touchdowns last year. In his career he has put up outstanding numbers, 1,242 receptions, 14,268 yards, and and 103 touchdowns. He leads NFL tight ends by far in each category.
Do you think that it was the right move for Gonzalez to stay another year? I think he is still one of the best tight ends and he made the right chose. Post your opinion in the comments!
By David B.
He had a great year, and was good in the playoffs as well.....he deserves to play at least one more year......