The Red Sox's big hitting slugger tells Enrique Rojas of ESPNDeportes.com (ESPNSports.com in English) that he believes Shaughnessy's suspicions are grounded in race. Ortiz says:
"Yesterday, the guy came to see me and asked some questions about steroids, and when you see the writing, it basically focuses on the fact that I'm Dominican and that many Dominicans have been caught using steroids. And what about the Americans?" Ortiz said."If you're from the Middle East, because there are some people there who put bombs and terrorize civilians, I have to see you like that, as well? If you are a white American, I have to call you a racist because white Americans were in the Ku Klux Klan?"The thing that stung me was his statement about Dominicans. You mean that in Dominican Republic there are no players who try to do things right? We are all in the same boat. And the people here who have been caught, does that put everyone here in the same boat?"
In all fairness Ortiz went a little overboard with that, but to be totally fair Shaughnessy did write this:
But you fit all the models. You are from the Dominican Republic. You are an older player. Older players don't get better. You've had injuries consistent with steroid use. You showed up on the list from 2003. You fit all the formulas.
Shaughnessy did back-up his information about race with some facts, he mentioned that most U.S born players are much healthier and are much more fit. He was trying to protect the steroid use in the Dominican Republic but, bringing Ortiz's race and nationality was going way too far.
By David B.
Really, now we're picking on Big Poppi...the is just nothing that is sacred anymore...it's a wonder any athletes ever talk to reporters......